Considering the short time that DEATHRITE is an active band now, they were already able to turn a lot of heads towards their direction. Their demo tape, released in the beginning of 2011, was sold out within weeks, and shortly after they had a deal with Germany’s infamous Per Koro Records, which released this one-sided 12” just about two weeks ago. After putting the needle onto this record you fucking know what’s going on within the first five seconds: feedback, blast beat, fuck. Ripping in the wake of bands like Trap Them or Nails, those two bands should watch out not to be outpaced by DEATHRITE, who are definitely among the heaviest upcoming bands there are these days. You think I’m exaggerating on this one (again)? Well, fucking listen to the track Vultures/Wolves and wise up. Full review after the jump!
Deathrite – Vultures/Wolves
Take a bunch of part-time alcoholics who basically just finished school, put them into a rehearsal room, form a classic four piece line-up with vocals, bass, one guitar, drums. Let them listen to all the heavy shit from the last 30 years – Hardcore, Grind, Crust, Metal. Put a Boss HM-2 in front of it, there you go. Theoretically, it sounds so easy. In fact you have to add something you can not achieve by practice, money or connections: talent, and the right chemistry between the four sickos. Obviously DEATHRITE is one of those few lucky bands where everything concurs and thus the outcome is way above the average “new band trying to find its way”-bungling.
DEATHRITE’s self titled debut record is a definite shureshot for fans of Trap Them, Nails, Cursed or Black Breath. An affinity to Grindcore in the vein of Nasum or Rotten Sound won’t hurt either, nor to 90ies Powerviolence. Huge riffs, “Swedish” guitar sound, distorted bass, heavy vocals, head smashing drumsound, blastbeats, Crust parts, it’s all in the game. The song writing is really excellent, very diversified, never to much relying on one single ingredient but creating an atmosphere of destruction, misery and bloody knuckles that grabs you by the throat and rips the flesh off your skull with its foul but razor-sharp teeth.
You can download this record for free from the band’s website (see end of post), but all you vinyl lovers out there should try to get your hands onto the one sided 12”, which comes with an insanely awesome silk-screen-print on the flip side.
If DEATHRITE doesn’t end up on a US label like Southern Lord I’ll lose my last bit of remaining hope in humanity. You can quote me on that. Get this record, tell your mum, grind your fucking head in. Thanks.

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