Scottmove hails from the UK’s darkest streets, London, and his illustration reflects the city’s legacy of magick and massacre. His anthropomorphic beasts hold your life and your eyeballs in their leathery talons. They expose the fallacy of the church that is the keeper of the lost, damaged souls that wander the streets, inviting the wounded into their lair of bones. His illustrations are at once pristine and blood-spattered, balancing clean lines with detailed textures. They seem to be made up of all living creatures – bones covered in animal flesh, plant roots, reptile scales, bird feathers – creatures that translate all of Nature into one being. If his artwork were metal, it would be doom, because it invokes a deep, droning, psychedelic sound in my brain. Scottmove is preparing for another co-curated show with fellow weirdo, Alex Young, sometime this summer or maybe early fall…it was mentioned on his site, but I can’t seem to find any precise details about it. Keep an eye out for this if you are in London, I really admire both artists and can only imagine how rad the show will be. After the jump, explore a gallery of dark imagery from the wizard Scottmove.

Nicola Gomersall
November 25, 2011 at 4:28 am
Awesome, this is what the inside of my head looks like. Really loving this work.
August 22, 2011 at 9:33 am
Fuckin’ rad work. Really dig it.