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Black Metal

Deafheaven “Sunbather” Review

SunbatherIf ever there was a contender for annual best, “Sunbather,” the second full-length by Deafheaven, would be the prime candidate. Prior effort, “Roads to Judah,” turned heads and broke hearts, effects imparted by a soulful live presence and thorough touring. In the process, Deafheaven’s work acquired the unfortunate ire of many a gauntleted, reactionary metal fan. “Sunbather” might well be the epiphany that silences many, if not all, detractors.

“Sunbather” is a jaw-dropper. “Dream House,” the first track revealed, shattered all expectations by combining all that made their sound endearing: the thrift and melody of “Demo” along with the majestic, schizophrenic splendor of “Roads to Judah.” “Sunbather” accomplishes the near insurmountable feat of incorporating what made its predecessors so memorable, while weaving them into a newer, grander tapestry. The composing threads of which knit together to paint a lush, unforgettable environment. “Sunbather” is a labyrinthine listen, a monstrous structure thats every turn ensnares, shaking the listener as much as it would hold them.

“Dream House” opens like a sustained whisper, a shout lurking just behind the teeth, ready to unleash a voice not of aggression, but longing. From the start, Deafheaven show us the perfected balance that is their ever-evolving sound. This is a strong work that withholds nothing, all beauty, ferocity and phobia laid bare. “Dream House” only samples the expanse that is “Sunbather,” as its rainstorm drumming and ethereal riffs twine together like silk strands, alluding to the deeper indulgence ahead.

sunglitter“Irresistible” is a poignant, brisk breath-catcher between “Dream House” and the title track. Three minutes of delicate strings and tender piano strokes, “Irresistible” continues the elation set in by “Dream House.” The rock-laden title track counterpoints the record’s astral, blackened opening, partially stifling the ascendant speed in favor of contemplation. Melancholic solos peek through the culminating storm clouds like a blinding radiance. In contrast to wintry fixations, Deafheaven craft black metal evocative of summer. The vibrant art by Touché Amoré’s Nick Steinhardt only strengthens this mood. Fourth entry, Please Remember,” features spoken word by Neige of Alcest that conjures images of golden-hued, youthful afternoons.

The album’s biting fifth track takes care to linger on the fragility of “Please Remember,” a slow build that brings “Sunbather” to territory first encountered on their superb Mogwai covers, “Punk Rock/Cody.” Presaged by an Agallochian-solo, “Vertigo” quickly aspires to violence, forsaking its sinew-snapping pace only briefly to pause on thoughtful gentility. At the approximate eight-minute mark, “Vertigo” becomes a furious, awe-inspiring threat.

The warped ambiance of “Windows” precedes the fluid din that is the “The Pecan Tree.” The drumming is governed by a rhythmic daze. Warm chords lead the listener down isolating passages. Screams stretch from under the perilous weight of the soundscape. “The Pecan Tree” is rife with indelible allure.

“Sunbather” is an expansive, passionate work. Possessing a spectrum both bright and grim, Deafheaven experimented in all the correct ways, doing so with obvious ambition, creating a work that is both familiar and evolutionary. Listen and dream.

“Sunbather” is streaming in its entirety over at Pitchfork Media.

“Sunbather” can be ordered (with instant digital download) from Deathwish Inc. here, in addition to the rest of their discography. Also you can find a wealth of Deafheaven related information here.

sunbatherflyerIn honor of “Sunbather,” Deafheaven will embark on a full-US, headlining tour with support from Marriages:

JUN 19, 2013 Yucca Taproom Tempe, AZ. 85282
JUN 21, 2013 Club Dada Dallas, TX. 75226
JUN 22, 2013 Red 7 Austin, TX. 78701
JUN 23, 2013 Mango’s Houston, TX. 77006
JUN 25, 2013 Will’s Pub Orlando, FL. 32803
JUN 26, 2013 Earl Atlanta, GA. 30316
JUN 27, 2013 The Forge Birmingham, AL. 35212
JUN 28, 2013 The Milestone Club Charlotte, NC. 28208
JUN 29, 2013 King’s Barcade Raleigh, NC. 27601
JUN 30, 2013 Rock & Roll Hotel Washington, DC. 20002
JUL 1, 2013 The Barbary Philadelphia, PA. 19125
JUL 2, 2013 Saint Vitus Brooklyn, NY. 11222
JUL 3, 2013 TT The Bears Cambridge, MA. 02138
JUL 5, 2013 Grog Shop Cleveland Heights, OH. 44118
JUL 6, 2013 Subterranean Chicago, IL. 60647
JUL 7, 2013 Magic Stick Lounge Detroit, MI. 48201
JUL 8, 2013 The Record Bar Kansas City, MO. 64111
JUL 9, 2013 Marquis Theatre Denver, CO. 80202
JUL 10, 2013 Kilby Court Salt Lake City, UT. 84101
JUL 12, 2013 El Corazon Seattle, WA. 98109
JUL 13, 2013 Bunk Bar Portland, OR. 97214
JUL 15, 2013 Bottom of the Hill San Francisco, CA. 94107

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