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Dark Raw Punk At Its Best!
KURRAKÄ s/t LP Review + Stream+ Tour News

Texas punk band KURRAKÄ‘s 10-song self-titled LP is a blistering dark thrash attack that borrows elements from bands like Tozibabe, from the dark punk tradition of “Siniestro” Spanish bands like Paralasis Permanente, Morticia y Los Decrepitos, and Alaska y los Pegamoides; and (musically and viewpoint-wise) from the anarcho-punk tradition of bands like Dirt.

In fact, the first song on the new album, “Via El Ruido,” which has been in the band’s repertoire since their 2012 demo, seems to pay tribute at a few points to a lick or two from the SUB HUM ANS’ “Subvert City.” Most of the best and energetic punk as of late has re-appropriated older punk tropes, riffs, and memes, and has re-incorporated these into an altogether new cocktail of energy. KURRAKÄ do just this – to galvanizing, invigorating effect. KURRAKÄ’s self-titled LP is simply an awesome, awesome album. (See TRABUC Records for purchasing info. Check out Todo Destruido as well.)

Kurraka. Photo by Lizzbeth Tamburri.

Kurraka. Photo by Lizzbeth Tamburri.


Kurraka at Funeral Parade in Autin, TX. Photo by Oliver.

Kurraka at Funeral Parade in Austin, TX. Photo by Oliver.

In the old days, rock music critics called three-piece, guitar-driven acts, like Nirvana (HEH!), “power trios.” Recently, KURRAKÄ played a deathrock event in Austin, Funeral Parade, that was also coincidentally a tribute night to a true power trio – Rudimentary Peni. It’s that sort of three-piece powerhouse of a band that KURRAKÄ deserve comparison to more than any one else. Their own Bandcamp page uses the genre tag “Dark raw punk,” and this is pretty much how KURRAKÄ deserve to be described, just like their fellow punks in Austin’s Deskonocidos (RIP): Dark, raw punk. Period.

Singer Dru’s vocals resonate with the sort of echoey reverb I haven’t heard in a band this fast since Spain’s (quite awesome) Invasion played Chaos in Tejas some years back. (“No power, no slave!”) Indeed, KURRAKÄ are fellow Texans, so I feel a little bias in their favor here, to be honest. Whatever the case, they’re an amazing band, best seen live, as all good bands are. Singer Dru Molina also sings for Austin’s Criaturas, another band worth checking out.


My favorite songs by KURRAKÄ are the stomping mid-tempo numbers they play — like the song “Hysteria” on this LP. Live, especially, “Hysteria” is a very powerful song. (But maybe I only like mid-tempo stuff because I am getting old!) Unlike many current punk bands that incorporate postpunk influences but are wont to acknowledge it, Kurraka do not shy away from their Siniestro/deathrock influences. But again, let’s be clear: Kurraka play full-bore, fast, punk rock. Like Paralasis Permanente, and Morticia y Los Decreptios, and Alaska y los Pegamoides, which are similarly aggressive yet dark punk bands — it all ultimately stems from a certain grim take on overdriven rock and roll.

KURRAKÄ’s 2014 self-titled LP, for the most part, is a no-holds-barred attack against the listener, a cascade of energy and ferocity, driven by a relentless rhythm section and heralded all by Dru’s charging vocal assault. It’s a black avalanche of pure Texas punk rock, determined to overwhelm the senses and eardrums. KURRAKÄ’ debut s/t LP is an aural assault of the first order, an audaciously blistering attack against all senses.

Kurraka. Photo by Lizzbeth Tamburri

Kurraka. Photo by Lizzbeth Tamburri


KURRAKÄ MUNDO OSCURO East Coast/Mid-West Tour 2014 INFO Go HERE!!!:


Special thanks to Lizzbeth Tamburri for the photos. Lizzbeth is a photographer based in Austin, Texas.

Kurraka at Funeral Parade in Austin, TX. Photo by Oliver.

Kurraka at Funeral Parade in Austin, TX. Photo by Oliver.



  1. elysianblaze

    July 31, 2014 at 9:24 am

    I agree with you on the mid-tempo jams. Reminds me of Peni. Thats why i’m really digging Institute. This site has given me so much music I would have otherwise missed.

  2. Cristian Leonel Miranda Ruiz

    July 9, 2014 at 11:35 am


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