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CVLT Nation’s
Top Six Power Violence// Grind Core Releases Of 2012

Number Six:False Light

False Light – “S/T”: Can’t say enough good things about this EP. I’ve talked about it several times throughout the year, on various blogs, and I hope most of you have paid attention. Even when they just had 3 of the 6 songs on their bandcamp, it already blew almost every bit of grindcore I had heard this year out of the water. Dirty, sludgy, disgusting, filth grind is the only acceptable description for noise False Light blast out. Held together by some fantastic song craft and a great vocal delivery. This EP is getting re-pressed on a 7″ soon by Headfirst? Records and Dead Chemist Records real soon. Get with the program and listen to this awesome band already!!
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False Light by False Light

Number Five:Six Brew Bantha

Six Brew Bantha – “S/T”: Probably the best grindcore full-length I’ve heard this year. This Canadian trio came back after a demo and split 7″ with fellow Canadians, Archagathus, with a completely fine-tuned and destructive recording and delivery. The songs are tight as a nuns butthole, and won’t let up until most, if not all, of your facial skin is blown off. Best snare tone of the year? Probably, certainly. Hail Canadian grind.

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Self Titled LP by Six Brew Bantha

Number Four:Water Torture

Water Torture – “Shellfire!”: I would have probably put the recently released split 7″ with Sea of Shit on here instead of this, since I do think that record has their stronger material and best recording, if not for the underwhelming SoS side. That being said, Water Torture, my favorite band of 2012, blew my brain and crushed my skull with this EP. Heavy, heavy, heavy bass and drum sludgeviolence from the Buffalo homies. Near untouchable in quality, and pure impact. Stoked for everything this band puts out.

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SHELLFIRE! by Water Torture

Number Three:OSK

OSK – “Wretched Existence//Bleak Future 2007-2010”: This CRIMINALLY underrated and overlooked Canadian grindcore band got the much deserved To Live A Lie records treatment with this stellar compilation of all their recorded material. I had been actively collecting this bands records up until this was released, and having all their songs on one CD is a magnificent convenience. Top notch grindcore from these fine Canucks. Varied song writing, and influence, ranging from straight powerviolence to metal-tinged grindcore. Outstanding stuff. Get wise to these guys right now.

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Number Two:Sordo

Sordo – “Tactical Precision Violence/S/T”: I’m honestly not sure wat the title is for this release. The cassette version has the “Tactical Precision Violence” titled, but I heard that was just a rushed name. Regardless, this debut full EP from this Californian bass/drum PV trio (featuring Eduardo of DIY Noise glory, a total homie who I have endless respect for), is a fun as fuck powerviolence romp. This is the type of noise that I instantly fall in love with, simple, groovy riffs, blown out blast parts, a loud, rough recording, banging snare drum. Unf, Sordo has it all. This is coming out on a 7″ very soon on Nice Dream Records.

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Sordo 7" by Sordo

Number One:Column Of Heaven

Column Of Heaven – “Mission From God”: The much hyped and very beloved debut full-length from this Canadian noise/powerviolence outfit (featuring ex-members of The Endless Blockade) is definitely an interesting listen. While I never bought into the hyperbole a lot of other blogs smothered this record in, it’s still a very solid, and creative powerviolence record. It definitely sticks out of the usual crowd of fast bands. The orchestration of the noise was very well done, and added a lot of great sonic textures and atmosphere to these songs, which definitely wouldn’t have been as special without the added sounds. A split 7″ with Radioactive Vomit and a lone 7″ are coming out in the future. Interested to see where this band goes, for sure.

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