I surround myself with images of death, decay, darkness, venom and all things that generally creep out and offend the majority of society, because I think they are beautiful. My 14-month-old daughter’s favorite art in our house is the Excel Split Image poster we have in our office, with a melting demon with a belly full of angry snakes, and she gives kisses to the grim reaper on our Hell Awaits tee. These things bring my family joy. But right now I have a churning stomach and a heart full of pus. I have seen things that make me want to weep, scream, vomit blood and most of all, kill. We live in a sick society, one that values cunning over creativity, luxury over love, and greed over giving, and CVLT Nation’s most hated tumblr of the week exemplifies all of the twisted mental illness that plagues humankind – Rich Kids of Instagram. The fact that the children of the 1% (or more like 0.1%) use their privilege to run up $100,000 tabs and shower each other in $4,000 champagne on daddy’s yacht, and then take photos of themselves doing these things, just shows how stupid they really are. It’s 2012, there is about to be worldwide revolution, and these walking dead inside have trained the crosshairs on their own foreheads. In a way we should thank the author of Rich Kids of Instagram, because he or she is compiling a hit list for the people. These cretins are the true demons, their Polo and Rolex the true garb of the debauched, and the worst part is, their parents have set up a system by which we pay for the privilege to watch their children drop a fat, steaming dookie on ours. Where do you think that $4.50 (in Cali anyway) for your pack of American Spirits goes? Yep, that’s right – straight into a Dom golden shower for the CEO’s vapid kids. When you pick up your sundries at Target, what happens with your hard earned money? The 0.1%’s debased children buy themselves some Beluga caviar and then have a food fight with it. Just because they can, and they think their lives and bank accounts are safe from harm. And so far, they have been, but with any luck the suffering masses, the 99.99% of the world, will wake up, wipe the shit off their faces, and mow these motherfuckers down. How can we sit idly by and watch our friends and families lose their livelihoods, homes and dignity while these shitheads photograph themselves flying “private” and hashtag themselves #blessed, photograph obscene receipts to compete over who can spend more on nothing and hashtag #getonmylevel, photograph their wrists decked in gold and diamonds and hashtag #Rolexclub? Why have we not yet drowned them in their Hamptons pools? My only consolation is that despite their joyful facade, they are deeply unhappy people, they don’t know true love, only love of money, they try to hide their festering wounds of insecurity behind seriously douchey clothing, and that they will continue to fill the void where their soul should be with prescriptions until they overdose. This is a call to action, and if you feel yourselves becoming complacent with a system set up by and for these fuckers, just google “Rich Kids of Instagram” to reignite the fires of Hell in your belly…or check out the gallery of foulness after the jump…

March 1, 2016 at 5:32 am
You’re literally saying we should kill these people for being young and stupid… and you’re a parent. Absolutely horrifying. You do realize this is pretty much the exact same type of shit that terrorists say to justify killing our children, right? To someone in a third world country, looking at even what many lower class Americans have and spend money on and how they live their lives is worse than being one of said lower class Americans and seeing RKOI. Being lower class in most countries means starving, but in America they have the highest obesity rate. For fucks sake, just look at Black Friday sale videos then try to act like American poor people are so innocent compared to the obnoxious rich kids who, according to you, deserve to die. You’re an idiot and extremely naive if you don’t think at any point your children are going to do something absolutely idiotic or that a large amount of people would say they deserve to die for, now imagine that dumbt thing was online and how you would feel if you saw that level of blind radicalism? Some psycho bitch literally encouraging people to kill them, calling the blog they were posted to a “hit list”. Obviously RKOI can get pretty disgusting, but wanting kids to die for being stupid and children of the top .1% (which BTW isn’t the case for all of them, many are self-made and even *gasp* ex-poor people) is even more disgusting.
Jonny Valley
February 14, 2014 at 8:33 am
“In a way we should thank the author of Rich Kids of Instagram, because he or she is compiling a hit list for the people.”
December 6, 2012 at 7:07 pm
dang bruh that was p. passionate clap
August 21, 2012 at 12:00 am
While they are busy indulging, I will be busy cleaning my guns and sharpening my knives. In the coming end times these people are food.
sharon needles
August 15, 2012 at 11:02 pm
Motörhead – “Eat The Rich”
August 15, 2012 at 9:45 pm
Tumblr is not somewhere you want to be.
August 15, 2012 at 12:12 pm
I wish American Spirits were $4.50 in the Bay Area…
David Dutch Pearce
August 15, 2012 at 6:27 am
Ironically, I appreciate this kind of culture for the same reason I love going to the county fair in my hometown and watching the school bus demolition derby. Surely our time could be better spent. It’s like: Pick a random .01% group of people from the 99.99% and give ’em a few weeks of the lifestyles afforded to the current .01% and I’m sure they’d be doing the same shit. Humans are ostentatiously wasteful by nature. Or maybe not. Maybe we can blame the internet. But I’m not so sure. There was no internet when Bret Easton Ellis wrote Less Than Zer0, and that book’s pretty fucked.
Once again, I find myself being consoled by the words of Jesus Christ: You will always have rich assholes, but you won’t always have free cheese pizza. So let’s get this party started!
August 15, 2012 at 6:10 pm
I think you’ve zeroed in on the world’s perception of Americans in general. But that mentality also aligns nicely with what these elite kids’ parents tell them – that is, they have money and power because the masses don’t know how to handle money or power. Convincing us of this keeps things running smoothly for them.
August 15, 2012 at 4:27 am
People take photos of their receipts? Really? What the fuck is wrong with these guys?
The Shivering Sands
August 15, 2012 at 3:23 am
The “99%” is sooo ten months ago.
August 15, 2012 at 6:07 pm
I know. That’s why I said “99.99%” obvi.