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80s Hardcore

CVLT Nation’s
Favorite Tumblr This Moment:

All I wanted was throwback 80’s hardcore flicks, and They wouldn’t give them to me. That was until tumblr came along, and made pages spring up that cater to everyone and everything. This generation has it good – the internet brings everything to you in the safety of your home. I won’t get all old school, but damn, we had some wild times creating our memories of chaos and mayhem. I dig tumblr though, because I get to see photos I never knew existed of some of my all-time favorite bands! This is why Maaaaalfunction is CVLT Nation’s favorite tumblr this very freaking second. Trust me, when you check out this page, you will see so many rare 80’s photos you might think Reagan is back from the grave. Peep this extra huge photo gallery after the jump!

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