I find it very interesting when two powerful movements unify together to create an even stronger moment in history. This is what took place in the early and mid 80’s, when Anarcho Punk started to cross-pollinate with Post Punk and Deathrock. On a personal level, I found this time one of the best periods of my young life. The politics, music and fashion that was taking place during this era was off the chain. When I go back and listen to bands like VEX, TRIAL, SOUTHERN DEATH CULT and RUDIMENTARY PENI I still get super excited. In the present day, it’s awesome to see that there are so many bands waving the Anarcho Dirge flag! My favorite tumblr to lose myself in for everything bat-like is Oliver Sheppard’s ANARCHO POST PUNK Tumblr. His site is full of killer pictures, video and other things that bring me mad inspiration. So spread your batwings and fly into the darkness after the jump!

chainsaw barbarian
January 30, 2014 at 11:34 am
I’m not sure if you got my first comment….I think I did it wrong…ha! Anyway, nice set of pics. Is that Dinah Cancer? Who’s the other babe? Where can I buy the poster? …Ha! I still gotta see what else you got. I ran into this page while doing research on punk rock and the occult. My “X” video should be out in the next day or two. It’s been a bit of work! I hope you check it out. I’m trying to looks at bands that use symbols that most of us don’t understand. Any leads?? Ha! Thanks…talk to ya later, I hope——Matt!