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Death Rock

CVLT Nation
Deathrock 2012 II Mixtape
Curated by Oliver Sheppard

The first “Deathrock 2012” mixtape (which is here) was so popular I thought we’d do it again!

Included here are some new bands I overlooked last time (The Now Dead, Funeral Parade, Population), some different tracks by bands already featured (Crimson Scarlet, Arctic Flowers, Cemetery), and, still continuing with the theme of tying in the old with the new, newer songs by older bands like Killing Joke, Rudimentary Peni, and New Model Army. It’s also worth mentioning that 80s California deathrock band Altar de Fey have reformed and are playing out again with the newer bands; a track from them is on here for good measure.

Most of these new bands come from the DIY punk scene and are reclaiming deathrock’s punk roots. There is a strong element of anarcho/peace punk in a lot of the bands’ sound – see Moral Hex and Dead Cult, for example. Although there are some precedents for this, this is one of the novel developments in this style of music. This compilation isn’t exhaustive; it’s simply a starting point to the incredible new goth-punk being made nowadays that is injecting much-needed new life and vitality into the music.

CVLT Nation Deathrock 2012 II Mixtape Curated by Oliver Sheppard
[audio:CVLT Nation Deathrock 2012 Part 2.mp3|titles=Death Rock II Mixtape Curated by Oliver Sheppard]

DOWNLOAD CVLT Nation Deathrock 2012 II Mixtape Curated by Oliver Sheppard HERE!
1. PLEASURE LEFTISTS – “Future Fights” (2011)
2. TANZKOMMANDO UNTERGANG – “Let Rome Burn (2011)
3. CRIMSON SCARLET – “Sanctuary” (2011)
4. CEMETERY – “State Ward” (2011)
5. DAILY VOID – “Spiral Staircase” (2010)
6. INTERNAL AUTONOMY – “Fury” (2010)
7. KILLING JOKE – “In Excelsis” (2010)
8. SPECTRES – “Longinas” (2010)
9. POPULATION – “Waltzing a War” (2010)
10. THE NOW DEAD – “The End Will Show” (2008)
11. MORAL HEX – “World Turning Grey” (2011)
12. DEAD CULT – “Progression of Fear” (2012)
13. DEKODER – “Hate Song” (2011)
14. FANGS ON FUR – “Blood on the Sand” (2010)
15. ARCTIC FLOWERS – “Double Edged” (2011)
16. BELLICOSE MINDS – “Tension Building” (2009)
17. CHRIST VS WARHOL – “The End is Nigh” (2010)
18. DYSTOPIAN SOCIETY – “Masquerade” (2012)
19. FUNERAL PARADE – “For You” (2010)
20. RUDIMENTARY PENI – “Prayer for the Unborn” (2008)
21. DEATHCHARGE – “A2” (2011)
22. BELGRADO – “Clockwise” (2011)
23. NEW MODEL ARMY – “Disappeared” (2009)
24. LOST TRIBE – “Fading into the Fog” (2011)
25. CROSS STITCHED EYES – “Scars of Past” (2012)
26. ALTAR DE FEY – “Crimson Sin”
27. BLUE CROSS – “Everything I Despise” (2011)



  1. RoboH71

    March 13, 2013 at 9:55 am

    Is it me or is “26. ALTAR DE FEY – ‘Crimson Sin'” missing? 

  2. Daniel Faraday

    January 10, 2013 at 2:52 am

    This is awesome! But can I suggest one thing? Can you write when a song starts in the mix? It can be useful for anybody wants to explore a particular band …

  3. Robb Bagalayos

    December 28, 2012 at 2:27 pm

    awesome! love it. I hope to hear more

  4. sp

    September 7, 2012 at 7:19 am

    Great the 48 minute mark right after Arctic Flowers there is another song that isn’t Bellicose Minds – i’ve double checked via youtube’s version of Bellicose Minds. What is it??? 🙂

    • dusty

      September 27, 2012 at 7:00 pm

      That is bellicose minds, however, that is not tension building. It’s called visions of pain

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