THISQUIETARMY is back with a soon to be released album entitled Anthems for Catharsis, and from what I heard, it’s going to be beyond amazing! I feel so lucky today knowing that CVLT Nation gets to share with you the visual for “Purgation/Purification” created by Eric Quach. This video will give you a glance into how special this record is going to be for humanity. If I had to describe the sound of the tune “Purgation/Purification,” I would say it seems like Shoegaze has been kidnapped by a sonic visionary and totally transformed into something we have never heard before! On May 15th, “Anthems for Catharsis” (pre-order HERE!) will be released via TQA Records (Canada) and Consouling Sounds (Belgium)…BLAST IT LOUD, THISQUIETARMY!
thisquietarmy – Purgation / Purification from thisquietarmy on Vimeo.
Daniel Dodecahedron
May 1, 2015 at 3:11 am