These days, everyone’s an artist. At least everyone thinks he is. Of course it’s good that art has been evolving and multiplying but seriously – who doesn’t have at least 5 annoying friends that claim to be in art and media ?
Sometimes, there are artists that prove that it is good to express yourself. Germany does actually have alot of these young people. CVLT Nation is now introducing you to a few of them. This is the first episode of ”CVLT Nation introducing young artists from Germany” and it’s about a guy called Tobias Tietchen. He’s from Hamburg in the very north of Germany and does different kind of arts. I had a chance to talk to him and this interview is what I got out of him. But what is he doing ? His art can be described as a mix of illustration, drawing (oldschool) and design. Let’s just stop the talking for now and you can look at the art yourself. Deal ? Deal.

CN : Hey Tobias. Thanks for this interview already. Of course, the typical first question – when and how did you start creating art ?
TT: To be honest I’ve been drawing since I was a little child. But it all really started when I was about to finish school and had to care about learning something afterwards. Before that I tried many things, to express myself and my view on the world that surrounds me but creating art & design turned out to be the best way.
CN: As we’ve read, you’ve had an education in arts. How does that work in Germany – how do you ‘become an artist’ ?
TT: In fact everybody can call himself an artist and I think that’s not always a good thing. Luckily, after school, my family offered me the chance to study design at a private art’s school. There are many of these schools here in Germany. They are state-approved . In september 2012 I graduated there. But long before that I started to work with clients, on real projects & exhibitions.
CN: Since you do alot of your art connected to music – tell us your 5 favorite songs of all time.
TT: Urrrghh difficult question, ha. (laughs) I think I could name at least 50 of them but ok here we go:
The Smiths – Well I wonder
Morrissey – Now my heart is full
Mikhael Paskalev – I spy
Gaslight Anthem – Señor and the Queen
Alkaline Trio – Mercy me
CN: Do you think 2013 will be a good year for art in Europe ?
TT: I really don’t know. Of cause there are more and more young labels, designers, group exhibitions, creative festivals, blogs, and thousand of opportunities for everyone to become creative and to express themselves. But on he other hand there are so many people that think they can be a cool designer, photographer, illustrator or whatever, without really knowing anything about the craft or history of it.
CN: Furthermore, do you know any differences in workspace and freedom in artistry between Europe and the rest of the world ?
TT: To be honest I’m not very familiar with the education or working system in other countries. But what I have recognized by myself is that young creative people get a lot more support in other countries. In addition a lot of countries beside Germany have a lot more appreciation and passion for good design and creation.
CN: What does your average day of artistic work look like ?
TT: checking mails, writing a to do list, shower, eat, work, eat, work, meeting friends, checking mails, maybe work again
CN: Final Question – Morrissey or Ian Curtis ?
CN: Okay mate, thanks for the interview. Stay creative.
And that’s about it for the first part. The next part is going to feature a guy from my hometown : Patrick Henne. If you’re down with darker art, this is your guy – get excited for the next part then ! If you got interested in Tobias’ stuff (and fuck, i hope you did!), check out his stuff and his websites :

March 14, 2013 at 6:10 am
next time do a Young artists from Canada
cough cough