What do we have here…it’s an interview with Young and in the Way. This North Carolina band is on a mission to rip the face off of heavy caustic music, and engage people in pyramid schemes along the way. Since 2009, Young and in the Way has released loads of awesome music & wrecked many stages. Mark my words…2011 will be their year to show & prove to the blackened world that they are nothing to fuck with. So after the jump check out the interview CVLT Nation did with Young and in the Way.
Yes yes Young And In The Way..what’s good?…how are you doing?
Hi, this is Rick (guitar/vocals). Sushi is good. I’m doing well.
What was the catalyst that brought you four together to form this band?
The typical answer most bands will tell you: Our previous bands fell apart. Chris (bass) and I had played in a band together from 2004-2006 that released a record and did some extensive touring. Chris quit and started a new band with Kable (vocals). That band eventually evolved into something else when I joined it with them. We played a few shows and broke up. Fast forward a little over a year. I was playing in a noise rock band and really missing playing heavy music with Chris and Kable. We knew Randy (drums) through shows with his previous band and all made plans to start writing. In early 2009 we got together and started writing. That’s when it clicked. A month later we released the “Newborn” EP.
What experience in your life made you realize that creating blackened crust would be one of your life’s callings?
For us individually, creating music is one of each of our callings. But to say this band or “creating blackened crust” is a calling would be an overstatement. It was something that happened. We started working on material in early 2009 with a common interest in hardcore and crust punk sounds. Randy and I shared a love for black metal and several sub-genres of black metal. It wasn’t something we set out for but more a natural process. As we wrote music together our influences fused together creating what is “blackened crust”.
What are the emotions, things, people or events that inspire your lyrics?
FOX news
What’s the creative process like for each song? Do you write & track the music before or after the lyrics are written?
The creative process varies from song to song. Sometimes we write material when lyrics are already written. Sometimes we write music and lyrics come later. Patience is required during our writing process because Chris convinces us to scrap everything and start over until it’s perfect. I live record demo versions of new material at our rehearsals. We’ve written and scrapped around 25 songs.
If you could choose the way your music impacted people’s psyche, what would you want the effect to be?
Well, if that were possible we would write an album that embedded our ideas into the unconscious of our fans and then use that to sell them real estate or drag them into some sort of pyramid scheme.
How do you see the growth of Young And In The Way from release to release?
Describe the energy that takes over the room when your band is performing live?
Imagine this: You are in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and you’re about to collide with another Large Hadron Collider.
Something that stands out about your band besides your sound is your aesthetic. Who handles your graphics & what would you say is their inspiration?
Our vocalist Kable handles our design work. His inspiration comes from our music. Kable designed the artwork for all of our albums and the majority of our merch. I’ve had the opportunity to design a few different shirt designs and I created and run our website www.youngandintheway.com
How would you describe your scene in North Carolina? Who are some of your peers?
North Carolina is hard to describe. A lot of “heavy music” that comes out of this area is regurgitated and unimpressive. However there is a growing amount of people scattered across this state that are doing awesome things. Notable peers include: Torch Runner (we have a split 7″ with this band coming out next month), Braveyoung, Yardwork, Old Painless, The Pullman Strike and Lunchbox Records (we are spoiled to have this record store down the street from where we live).
What are the three records that have made the biggest impact on your lives & why?
Hans Langseth of Norway with the longest beard, Shridhar Chillal of India with the longest finger nails and Robert Pershing Wadlow of the United States, the worlds tallest man that ever lived. These records combined really set us off.
Has the internet played a positive role in spreading the message of Young And In The Way?
The internet has played a positive role in getting our music into the hands of people across the globe. As far as spreading our message… The 1st press of our new 12″ just sold out. So we will see how many replies we receive to our pyramid scheme emails and how much real estate we sell to these dummies over the next couple months.
Any closing thoughts?
CVLT Nation would like to thank Young and in the Way for a rad interview!

June 10, 2014 at 12:11 pm
And not a single fuck was given the day Rick answered to this interview 🙂 Fucking awesome band. Interesting he didn’t mention Watain’s influence on the band’s imagery.