First off, I want to thank you for doing this interview. Molestador is a riot! Will your next album sound similar, or can fans expect something different?
You’re welcome, I’m glad you like Molestador . The next album is going to sound like the previous ones I guess; I don’t have a specific formula. When I write the music, if I like what I hear, I’m happy with that. I don’t make too many changes. I’m not concerned with thinking if a song should sound more one way than another just to please someone else’s taste. These days, in music and art in general you can get away with anything. Anyone who likes Sesso Violento won’t be disappointed – and if they are, it’s not my problem.
Molestador has some varying tempos, ranging from mid-mosh to black metal blast-fest. Was there a conscious effort to offer brutality at varying levels?
The various influences and different vibes in Sesso are simply a reflection of what I like, there’s no intention to sound more black in one song and more punk in another. Some of the stuff I listen to has nothing to do with metal/punk. I just blend ideas and I use Sesso as a medium.
The vocals are out-of-this-world on Molestador. Will you be employing some of the same craziness on the new album?
The vocals will be different this time cause someone else will be doing them. I have no clue what the result will be; we’ll record in a new place with different equipment. I don’t have any expectations, we’ll just see how it goes.
There’s a definite Sesso Violento vibe on your previous works. It fits the music perfectly. Like a death ride down the slums of Sao Paolo. Can you give us a brief blurb on the theme, if there is one?
I don’t personally remember how this Brazilian thing started. Pacificador is the name of the big tank on the cover of the album, but that’s all I know. The drummer was from Brazil, so he did have an influence on some of the lyrics, but there was never a specific theme going on. It did fit the music well and I guess it worked, so we kept it like that. With Molestador things went differently; we were not allowed to use the artwork we made ourselves for it because of some silly US law or whatever. I’m disappointed with that because it really had an impact on the album in every sense. What you see now on the actual cover was just a last minute thing agreed on with very little consensus.

On Molestador, you also featured an acoustic piece, quite unexpected but effective. It invokes a certain eerie feeling. Will you be doing anything similar on the next record?
I don’t think we’ll be doing another acoustic piece – that was completely impromptu. A classic guitar happened to be there when we recorded, and that was it. I do like it, but I don’t see it coming into the next album.
What elements of your previously released work do you plan to bring back for the next record?
All the ones we used so far, but I’m not sure about the experimental/noise stuff because it’s not my specialty. Overall, it will sound like Sesso – no more or less different.
Do you have plans of putting together a complete line-up? Who does the songwriting?
Due to different circumstances, Sesso is not a so-called “band,” every record has had different line ups. I’m the one doing the songwriting and I write with whomever collaborates with me and wants to participate in Sesso. If I could play drums, I think would do everything myself at some point
Have you toured in the past? Do you have any touring plans?
No, not at all. We played a couple of small shows in London, but that was it. I don’t have much interest in playing live with Sesso, it’s not easy to recreate on stage what you hear on the record, and that would be like dying in a certain way.
Where are you based now? Does the locale have any effect on Sesso Violento’s music?
Sessoviolento was born in UK and never left. I’m from Italy, but this shouldn’t be of interest. Nationality, in this case I think, is pointless. Just enjoy what you hear, and who cares where we are from and stuff like that. The places where I have lived so far had an impact on me, and maybe I could say on the music too, but I wouldn’t go further than that.
For analog lovers who purchased Molestador on vinyl, will there be analog copies of your next record?
Yes, as long as I’ll be free to do things the way the way I want to. Anyone interested, please don’t contact the Facebook links because it’s someone else using them, and I don’t have control of them. Our next recording will be live at the end of the summer.

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