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CVLT Nation Interviews

Children of God’s album We Set Fire To The Sky Pre Order HERE!

When, where and with whom did the recording process for We Set Fire to the Sky begin?

Recording this record began in September of last year (2012). We recorded with our good friend Rollie Ulug, who’s worked on a ton of bands from the Southern CA. He recorded the Sun Gives Way…

What was the major inspiration, individually and as a group, that inspired and brought this record into being?

Inspiration for COG songs always comes from emotion. The gears start turning in my head (lyrically) long before anything is written, and at the time of writing these songs we were all doing our own thing. We were all isolated in our own worlds, and some times that’s the best kind of inspiration. When you’re alone you have your time to reflect on everything, and this record is an extension of that reflection.

children of god

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There is a noticeable shift in style between Coup de Grace and the split with Seven Sisters of Sleep. The music has moved from abrasive hardcore to contemplative punk laden with black and doom. What were the reasons and influences for this shift?

We’ve always listened to different kinds of music and I think at this point we have allowed those influences to infiltrate our sound. It’s not that strange if you saw us live early on, we incorporated noise and things of the like in live performances. We are still aggressive in our approach to the music, but the music is a lot more contemplative. We just didn’t want to be the one trick pony act that a lot of bands become known for.

We Set Fire to the Sky is abrupt and savage but also quiet and foreboding and the record blends these elements deftly. There are many emotions that this album exudes, what are these pieces intended to convey, if anything?

Musically it just became natural to have different dynamics, the polar opposites of each emotion. Being bipolar, I know how it feels to feel calm one minute (with everything crashing down inside, and that build up coming) and frantic the next; that was the feeling I wanted to convey when I wrote my parts to the music. Lyrically I took a more metaphorical approach, although incoherent at times the lyrics are just emotion in its most raw form.

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children of god3

Your recent body of work and image is enigmatic but also ferocious on all fronts. What gives Children of God purpose?

There is no purpose. We play music cause we need to, not cause we want to.

The album art by Thomas Hooper is complex but simple. Where did the idea for the “raven hexen” come from and what does is symbolize?

I think that would be a question to have Thomas answer. I saw a line drawing he did in a book he released and I fell in love with it. I emailed him and asked if we could use it, and he did us one better and drew us an entire new piece. I love his geometric approach to his paintings and drawings. The circular images always get to me, everything in cycles, never ending; I am my beginning and my end, etc. etc.

Will there be a U.S. tour in support of We Set Fire to the Sky?

At this point I’m not sure. We have been discussing tour in a more serious manner. You kind of have to, I think; at least that’s what’s expected of you once you release an album. We’re pretty selective about the shows we play locally, mostly because of the anxiety I get from playing in front of people, so playing every night would take its toll on me.

Do you have any additional comments or questions?

Yes, we would like to thank every one that supports and buys our records; we have made it a point to keep the price of this record as low as possible. It is a truly self-funded release and we are proud to have put this out ourselves. We’d also like to thank every one who has helped us along the way; Thomas Hooper especially for contributing to this effort, it is truly an honor to work with such an amazing artist.

Also, myself and my good friends in Braveyoung have also started a label with a debut self-funded release. Will The Dust Praise You is one of the best records that 2013 will have. Go to for information on that release.


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