COP PROBLEM has the blade of reality at the necks of the corrupt pigs! They released a gnarly EP earlier this year via Worn Torn Records (US) and Prejudice Me Records (Europe). It’s 3 songs and 9 minutes of unrelenting D-Beat firing straight dome shots at the cops. The vocal delivery of this band is spectacular; Deb, the singer, brings the anger in 3-D. As a band, COP PROBLEM constructs these raging songs that have giant towers of empathy in them that makes you really pay attention to where they are coming from. CVLT Nation is hyped that we are streaming the EP in full below, and even better, you can enter to win a copy of the record by emailing us at with “Cop Problem Giveaway” in the subject heading…two copies will be raffled off this Friday the 15th at noon!
[audio: Monuments.mp3|titles=COP PROBLEM – Monuments]
[audio: Along For The Ride.mp3|titles=COP PROBLEM – Along For The Ride]
[audio: Blinded By Power.mp3|titles=COP PROBLEM – Blinded By Power]

June 14, 2012 at 12:25 pm