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Death Metal

Convocation of Crawling Chaos…

In 2009, a death metal record arose from the grave that had the foul smell of awesome rawness. The name of the band that recorded it is Cruciamentum, and they put out a self-released EP entitled Convocation of Crawling Chaos. The four songs that these British death dealers unleashed on the world still sound as diseased as ever. When I hear this album, I feel like vultures are eating away at my flesh as the riffs are sawing away at my bones. Cruciamentum’s music gives me visions of battle fields with body parts ripped up and the stench of decaying flesh. Within the sonic storm mayhem that Cruciamentum conjures, something about their songs has my brain working over time. These cyco’s are gifted when it comes to crafting tunes, because so many different layers of ugly can be heard in one of their compositions. Cruciamentum also have the sinister knack for infesting the listener’s ears with a middle earth melody that will keep you transfixed and head banging. Vocally, the gnarly low end growls make Satan’s workers shit on themselves! The killer thing about this band is that at times their music has flurries of doom and other weird shit. Cruciamentum’s drumming keeps it banging – from the moment you press play, the pounding rhythms never fucking let up, because they only get more homicidal. The dirge tones that you will experience on Convocation of Crawling Chaos will have you saying, when is their album coming out, I need more of this fucked up shit in my life! So get a hold of this record and blast “Rotten Flesh Crucifix,” you will be hooked from the moment the sound of Cruciamentum comes marching towards you. It gets better: in the very near future, they will be tour the the Southwest and the West Coast. Yes, Cruciamentum will be making a stop in Los Angeles and there is no way I’m missing that show…when they come your town, be there or DIE!
[audio:|titles=Cruciamentum Deathless Ascension]
[audio:|titles=Cruciamentum Rotten Flesh Crucifix]

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