When only the blackened side of your brain is functioning, you want to hear noise that empowers the dark thoughts that are racing through your mind. I’m listening to Sutekh Hexen’s demo Constellation, & it’s unlocking spaces in my thoughts that I did not know existed. This Bay Area primitive black noise group creates some wicked tracks that will lead you straight to the dark side. Constellation is ten minutes & two songs of fucked beauty that will put your spirit in the left place. To me, Sutekh Hexen’s music is full of movement, layers & textures that act as portals for your imagination to travel. With the song “The Calling,” they contort feedback, bend distortion & stretch drones to the max, then paint everything black with more effects. When it’s all said & done, this song evokes a sense of morbid dread, but it’s so alive with change that it sounds epic. By the second track, “The Blessing,” I feel like I’m in a sick dramatic horror film – the sounds that exist in this song are ghost-like & cursed. Deep, deep down in the sinister belly of this band, you can hear twisted pockets of melody that are almost trance-like. When listening to Sutekh Hexen’s music I always hear & experience something new. After the jump, take in some rad live footage, stellar flicks & the download link to the Constellation demo.
Sutekh Hexen Constellation Download HERE!
Video footage by Kevin Hoobs
Photos by SF Sludge

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