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Straight out of left field comes CONSTANT STRUGGLE from Los Angeles! This band rips on another level. This demo is what hardcore is all about. You can really hear the heavy Oi! influence in it along with heart of early 80’s hardcore. For fans of Negative Approach and SSD. CONSTANT STRUGGLE will be opening this Sunday at the California Uber Alles fest in Hermosa Beach, CA. Check them out if you’re in the area, you wont regret it.  Links, demo, and demo review after the jump!

The demo kicks  you in the face with it’s aggressive vocals, HEAVY bass lines, and hateful lyrics.  With it’s fast riffs and songs averaging about a minute this demo is on my list of great releases of 2011. You can really hear the Oi! influence in this demo, check out the song “Lone Wolf” and you’ll hear what I’m talking about. The recording is solid and sounds like it was recoded back in the 80’s. Like if the voacals, drums, guitar and bass were all recoded at once instead of recording them all separately.  This demo is a prime example of what hardcore should be. Do not sleep on this band!




1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Derek

    April 15, 2011 at 1:07 am

    Yup, good call on this one!

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