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Apocalyptic Blues

Concrete and Steel…

I’m flying in on the wings of crust over a field of doom surrounded by apocalyptic trees; I’m walking on blackened soil humming to the cello of Dead To A Dying World & dreaming of a world with no hate. This Dallas band are the shape of crust to come – their self-tilted 3 song album, Dead To A Dying World, out now via Tofu Carnage Records, is freaking fucking grand & epic. Musically, the band’s songs have this rad organic energy to them, but at the same time also a very old world feeling of earth magic to them as well. Dead To A Dying World’s music makes my imagination wonder about how serfs in in the middle ages fought their greedy landlords for rights. The cello in this band evokes thoughts of caves filled with blackened ghosts that are on their way to haunt the dogs of war. Dead To A Dying World’s songs are long, which gives them time to evolve into other spirits inside of your brain & also makes it where you will never become disenchanted. The vocals on this album are extra rad; they move between guttural growls to whacked-out blackened shrill screams that make your nightmares seem like a nice place to be. The song “We Enter the Circle at Night…and Are Consumed by Fire” is 22 minutes of emotional crust bliss. It starts of with this beautiful, almost Spanish guitar before charging full steam ahead for your jugular, but the thing is that there are at least four wicked tunes that coexist within this one song. Dead To A Dying World’s creative spirit is huge, just like the music they create, & the world should take notice because this band is gnarly.

Dead To A Dying World : We Enter the Circle at Night…and Are Consumed by Fire

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jay Petty

    April 7, 2013 at 11:39 am

    Are you serious? You need to stop smoking so much weed brah..

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