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Come Mourning Come…
OLD WITCH – Review + Free Download

Bleak, depressing, anguished, tormented. All of these are adjectives that I could use to describe this next album I’m about to introduce. A blistering mix of black, drone and doom layered with some beautiful atmospheric parts, all blended perfectly that will leave you under the spell of Old Witch.

There isn’t much information about this enigmatic act floating around. All I basically know is that they’re a two member band (judging by the blurred pic featured on their Bandcamp) from the U.S.. I understand the reason for the band to remain so scretive. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not the fact that knowing exactly from where they come from that is going to change my opinion about them. What I’m really concerned about is this: how come such an enigmatic and unsigned band, coming from God knows where, releases one of the best doom albums I’ve heard this year? The music is amazing, awesome lyrics, well performed, full of rich textures and layers. I’m overwhelmed.


Funeral Rain”, the track that opens the album, appears charged with an immense negative energy, like a dark cloud on the horizon approaching increasingly stuffed with drone noises that completely transform the landscape, darkening it and giving rise to a bleak and desolate scenario now dyed in tones of gray, dominated under a powerful doom that crawls at a snails pace. The rough voice fits perfectly in, this record, and judging by the band’s name I almost imagine it coming from the mouth of a an old mystical and sinisterly contorted figure, forgotten by time, wandering painfully through this forest made of anguish. From here, and during the next half hour we are about to lose ourseleves in the dark old forest that is “Come Come Mourning“.

Tracks like “This Land Has Been Cursed” that lead us to the territories of a painful drone sounds and that thick and buzzing doom that drag us through scenes of desolation and sorrow, always bearing a very negative energy within, not showing any light of hope or joy. “God Ov Wolves” which is inarguably one of the best tracks of this album, and personally speaking, one of the best doom tracks I had the pleasure of hearing this year, begins immersed in darkness as the voice whispers almost an ancient prayer to the Old Spirits of this Earth:


Although Old Witch’s music may sound dreary and negative, it carries great and powerful emotions, and the band passes that successfully throughout the whole album. And this track is a perfect example of that, an extremely beautiful composition that pulls great similarities to the work of bands like Salem’s Hell or even Thou in their slowest tracks. An authentic catharsis of emotions wrapped in mystic and black outlines. Just the beginning of it, gives me goose-bumps.


In the middle of the album we are gifted with the instrumental “Leaves Fall in Autumn“, a beautiful track, filled with instrumental details that remind me a little bit of “Tomhet” by Burzum, unveiling a slumber atmosphere that appeal to solitude. Another highlight of this album is the brilliant track that closes the album “Olde Spirits Haunt The Thickets“, in which the notes slowly emerge throughout this fog that dwells in Old Witch’s dark and old forest. A track that moves sinuously through rather slow and atmospheric rhythms carrying a huge burden of an almost mournful, melancholy feeling, that makes me stare at the picture of the album cover and for a few seconds it’s like your mind is actually there. Brilliant.

The way that Old Witch fuses all of these drone, doom and atmospheric black metal influences in their cauldron is extremely well executed; adding to that formula a very good sound production, this album is undoubtedly one of the most interesting must-listen drone/doom albums that all avid fans of the bands that I’ve mentioned above (and of course, of this gender) must hear. Old Witch’s “Come Mourning Come” is a dark, mystical and beautiful journey into the vast and unknown territories of heavy music. Personally speaking, one of my favorite albums of the year.

And now for the bad news: There is no physical release for this album. The band unfortunately can’t finance themselves to put this out by their own hand. But they are opened to suggestions.

This said, if someone is truly honest out there and is really interested to help them in putting this out, that would be great. Because this album sure deserves to come out in some kind of physical format. I know I would be extremely happy owning, at least, a tape of this album. If this could be of your interest or if you know some label who would be, get in touch with them through their Bandcamp or Facebook. In the meantime, the amazing “Come Mourning Come” is available as “name your price” on Old Witch Bandcamp. Remember, any kind of donations over there, are deeply appreciated. And could really help financing tape, CD or vinyl. Please support great new amazing acts like this.



  1. Marlee Cannon

    January 30, 2014 at 10:28 am

    I freaking love this band. I put the album on for my morning commute and just completely fall asleep and zone out. Such a lovely, dirge like sound! I hope they find someone to help them get a physical release out so they can tour. I know I would DEFINITELY pay for both a physical copy of this EP and for tickets to a show.

  2. Mystic Myths

    August 24, 2013 at 7:18 am

    Freaking brilliant! That’s about all I can say; simply ‘bewitching’!

  3. Daniel Borinder

    May 29, 2013 at 12:14 pm

    Thank you for directing me to this band, I’ll be playing a song from their album on my radio show on saturday!

    • Haxan

      May 31, 2013 at 1:39 am

      Not a problem Daniel. Thanks for spreading the word out.

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