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Chaos and Black Magick
Aeon Sophia Press

In an age of mass production and the destruction of human creativity, CVLT Nation tries to be a beacon for people who want to be creative and support each others’ creativity, whether in music, art, film, literature or any other format. Aeon Sophia Press is an Amsterdam-based publishing house that has recently released their first publication entitled Blood From Heaven, a work of occult/magick fiction by Priestess of the Temple of Babalon E.J. Alvey, a beautifully bound hardcover in gold-stamped scarlet cloth, and they will be releasing their second publication, Whisperings from the Void by Patrick John Larabee, for pre-order May 14th, 2012. Aeon Sophia Press is dedicated to spreading knowledge and ideas about the occult and chaos/black magick, and aims to publish these esoteric writings as limited edition, hand-made and illustrated hardcovers. They aim to publish works that focus on Sigil magick, Sex magick, Thelema, Chaos magick, Luciferian philosophy, Lillith, Hekate, Black magick, Satanism and other occult practices and philosophies. It’s awesome to see a publishing house emerge to specialize in such obscure subject matter, but also to support the reemergence of quality hard copy literature. These are not books that you can read on your Kindle or iPad, these are collectable tomes that were painstakingly created by passionate writers and Aeon Sophia Press’ driving force, Johann Boomsma. Boomsma has been very active in the Holland punk/hardcore underground music scene since the 90s, and has translated the DIY approach to life he learned as a teenager into his dream of publishing occult literature. I love featuring people like Boomsma and their projects on CVLT Nation, because our readers are so awesome and time and again have showed their support for creative people. After the jump check out some info about each release as well as images of Blood From Heaven

Aeon Sophia Press website:

Aeon Sophia Press news blog:

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Whisperings from the Void by Patrick John Larabee
Statement by Patrick John Larabee:

Esoteric and Emotive Renderings via the Manifestation that can occur within the Creative Process. The very act of Creation is an act of Devotion, an act of Devotion because it is an act of Sacrifice, a Sacrifice of Time, Time which is Life. I am an artist and writer who seeks to bring to light the Mysteries of the Darkness through Image and Word, Rite and Praxis. I wish to share the Knowledge of the Heart of the Soul in Love with the All. I seek to depict the place where the Soul meets Body, the In-Between Realm where the Flesh and the Spirit co-mingle to create the Dreaming: the Vast Projections of the All-Luminous and Darkly-Burning Self. What I give is a distillation of Mystic Experience, a Retort-full of the Heavenly Gnostic Numina; a Gift from the Holy Sorcerous Daemonic Host: the Gods and Spirits of the Witch-Blood, to us, the Children of the Serpent.

Pre-order reservation is available on 14th of May 2012. First orders
will be shipped in the 3rd week of August.

Patrick’s blog:

Blood From Heaven by E.J. Alvey

People don’t realize that their everyday lives take place on a spiritual battlefield despite the demonic imagery that is so in vogue. The ugliness and degradation of the society that surrounds us is the carnage of that war, as demons seep into the psyche of indolent minds, cloaked by the distractions of the modern age. Samone Fisher is a weapon in this war. She has the unique ability not to channel spirits, but contain them within her body, so that they may
impact the physical world. She is a weapon for the angels.

Templum Rouge edition

500 exemplars.

Scarlet red cloth-bound hardback,
Black silk-ribbon bookmark, High quality paper,
314 pages, gold lettering on spine and gold stamped seal on front.

Illustrations by Dolorosa De La Cruz


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. shitbeast

    May 4, 2012 at 7:20 am

    Now if only I knew how to read…

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