I know we always say this, but in the spirit of best of 2011 things, I would have to say that the best thing by far about this year is the connections we have made with people from all over the world. CVLT Nation has been a gateway for Sean and I when it comes to discovering new music and art, because we are always checking out new bands and people via our site and our Facebook. This way, we find people like Brian van der Pol, a Dutch artist whose tongue-in-cheek approach to dark art caught our attention. Not only has he done work for bands like Coffins, Gehenna, Integrity and Hierophant, he also just creates very entertaining imagery. More than anything I enjoy his black and white sketches – he captures the fun in guts and gore, which is something you can appreciate if you have spent a long time contemplating at those things. His self-portraits are hilarious and more than anything capture the spirit behind the art. After the jump, check out van der Pol’s mad mind…

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