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CVLT Nation Streaming:
Something Other Than Yourself

Vancouver, B.C. hardcore outfit Burning Ghats have employed Brad Boatright (All Pigs Must Die, Modern Life Is War) to master their new LP, Something Other Than Yourself. And, like the other releases from Audiosiege, this LP is no different in terms of the scope of heaviness. The sound that comes out is a furious mix of blackened hardcore with crust punk sentiments. Something Other Than Yourself crushes through ten tracks, laying waste to all that listen to it.

Starting off with “Cold People”, Burning Ghats employs an old school hardcore approach; the steady drumbeat meeting gruff vocals. “Hexes”, a fifty three second track, is downright mean; a blistering assault that, to put it bluntly, takes no prisoners. “Grief Ritual” is reminiscent of acts like Nails; short, intense bursts of pure aggression. Here, the group shows their grinding crust influence; blast beats and ripping guitars pepper the track. “Grief Ritual” is hard and menacing, a brutalizing twenty one seconds that rolls along like machine gun fire, tearing apart everything that stands in its way.


Tracks like “In This Skin” and “Carry the Head” bring the same destructive breed of hardcore. These intense bursts of hardcore are mixed with thrash; fast moving and melodic. Towards the end of “In This Skin”, the band plays off a nice two-step riff to close the track out, relying on the old standbys of hardcore. It’s a different kind of heavy that Burning Ghats employs; instead of the sheer, shrill aggression of other acts in this genre, they mix in some crazy, metal influenced riffing and extremely thrashy, hard drumming. “Sniff and Circle” contains some of these unique guitar leads, really giving it that metal influence.

“Gold Sores”, the last and longest track on the album, begins with a heavy-as-all-hell introduction; few notes are punched out as the drums pound. A really slow, sludge oriented introduction ushers in a more hardcore sound; it is a classic, tried-and-true attack.  There is a range of style on this last track, from the aforementioned metal to hardcore to just straight up noise that closes it out.

Something Other Than Yourself is another release this year that is fast, loud, and full of intensity. Burning Ghats have pulled off a sound that doesn’t feel like they are taking too much from all the other pre-existing bands. Heaviness combined with the ability to play melodically, with interesting guitar leads and song structure, the Vancouver outfit does well to keep the listener engaged. Yet another release this year that is completely crushing, Something Other Than Yourself is right up there with the likes of such monster releases.

The album is available September 3rd from their bandcamp…Pre=Order HERE!!!


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