Since day one of CVLT Nation, ATRIARCH has been a band that we have been fascinated with because their high level originality. Recently they released Ritual Of Passing, out now via Profound Lore. The band is now on their first US tour, and the word on the street is that they have been destroying every stage they have stepped on to. On Nov. 17th, ATRIARCH performed at the St. Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, and our comrade (((unartig))) was on hand to capture their set. For everyone in Los Angeles reading this: make sure to head out to their show this Tuesday night at the Boom Tomb Room presented by Ear/Splitters! Peep their mind-blowing performance after the jump plus the gig poster!
Atriarch – Brooklyn, Saint Vitus 17 Nov 2012 from (((unartig))) on Vimeo.
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