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Brazil’s DIY Spirit In Full Color:
Up Close Look At Batman Alley

Do I love graffiti and street art? The answer is HELL Motherfucking YES!!! One thing that I have seen in all of my travels around the world is how graffiti as we know it started in South Bronx, but has now gone worldwide. This is really evident in the favelas of Brazil, especially in a place called Batman Alley.

Do I love graffiti and street art? The answer is HELL Motherfucking YES!!! One thing that I have seen in all of my travels around the world is how graffiti as we know it started in South Bronx, but has now gone worldwide. This is really evident in the favelas of Brazil, especially in a place called Batman Alley. This place has become an open air gallery, with the walls dedicated to giving youth a place to express themselves. Now peep how the DIY spirit of humans will always REIGN SUPREME!

Photo-Dec-30-3-59-44-PM Photo-Dec-30-4-00-26-PM Photo-Dec-30-4-02-01-PM Photo-Dec-30-4-02-11-PM Photo-Dec-30-4-02-18-PM Photo-Dec-30-4-02-43-PM Photo-Dec-30-4-08-54-PM Woman closes the door garage of her house between graffiti-filled walls along "Beco do Batman" (Batman's alley) in Sao Paulo wpid-photo-29032013-736-am wpid-photo-29032013-737-am wpid-photo-29032013-740-am wpid-photo-29032013-742-am


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Photos by Flora

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Brouroboris

    January 24, 2015 at 9:17 am


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