The dealers of death & destruction expect us to smile with joy as they enslave the underclasses of this nation in prisons they run for profit. They want us to stand silent as they rape Mother Nature for their blood money. I refuse to be silent, and I hope they choke on the corpses they have created all over the world. It’s funny that they call us Satan worshipers, when the real devil wears a three piece suit & goes to church every Sunday. One band that is waving the black flag in the right direction is Chicago’s Welkin Dusk – their album Born Into A Dying World is already a CVLT Nation favorite. This band has created 7 songs that are blackened crust magic & will for sure put you under their spell. Welkin Dusk’s music charges at you with the force of a viking horde, so all corrupt bastards better watch out. With this release, they are able to balance punk rock fury with the morbid angst of black metal. They use dark tones of emotion as a weapon, which draws you into where they are coming from. What really gets me about this band is what they are able to do on songs like “Welcome To The Penitentiary” that starts off with dirgy doom riffs that bring a feeling of dread, then the track takes off like the four horsemen of the apocalypse. This band is so rad – I dig the singer, I can see the veins popping out his neck as he lays down the law with rage & torment. Check out songs like “All That Is Sacred Is A Lie,” & tell me they don’t have that underworld groove that could bring a white witch over to the other side so she could dance with the devil. To me, this band is one of the American black metal bands that is pushing this art form in the right direction. Welkin Dusk’s songs will attack with their keen sense of blackened melody, and they create these epic canyons of darkness that you can get lost in. I’m in a pretty good mood now, I have found another rad band to kill shit on Vol. 4 of Blackened Everything! You can download their album HERE!

July 17, 2011 at 9:44 pm
thanks for the awesome review! i’m pretty flattered. if you want to throw anything we’ve done on a comp, absolutely feel free! thanks again, cheers!