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Exclusive Bong Stream
Trees, Grass and Stones

On Monday, April 9th, pre-orders for Bong’s new album, Mana-Yood-Sushai, shipped from the Ritual Productions headquarters, just in time for their Roadburn appearance on Sunday. It’s no surprise that this release is coming from a label called Ritual Productions – Mana-Yood-Sushai is a transcendental, otherworldly experience, filled with sonorous drone and a deep quiet, a ritual for the mind. It’s easy to imagine yourself at the peak of some Himalayan mountain with these meditative tones ringing in your third eye. Bong has created an audio landscape with Mana-Yood-Sushai that has an ominous feel despite the beauty of the composition, almost as if during your meditation, a heavy blackness is swallowing you into a bottomless crevasse. Bong created this album in two days with Greg Chandler of Esoteric, and it flows with the inspiration and prolific creation you expect from such a short session. If I am being swept away by the sounds emitted from my computer speakers, I can’t imagine how physically moving their live performance is, the bass waves creating an almost out-of-body experience en mass for the audience. If you get the chance to check them out at Roadburn this weekend, you are in for a treat! To celebrate the May 14th release of Bong’s Mana-Yood-Sushai, CVLT Nation is offering a stream of “Trees, Grass and Stones” below. To get the album, patch, badge and sticker now, go HERE. Sit back in a dark place, hit play below, and prepare to leave this plane of existence! Photos of the release after the jump…

[audio: Grass and Stones (3).mp3|titles=Bong – Trees Grass and Stones]

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