Bathing in the blackened sun of the underworld, comes Heavy Cross. This California band has put out the raddest two-song demo I have heard all year, via Holy Throat Records. I’m saying, it’s pretty epic the way they create a black wall of sound that takes over your brain with each listen. Heavy Cross’s song “Moon Frost” has this putrefied crust doom vibe that creeps up on you & slaps you in the grill with its’ raging stench! Their second song, “Dead Capitalists,” is metallic blackened chaos with a killer groove that grabs your attention & will not let go. I’m upset that this not a whole album! I demand to hear more from Heavy Cross!
Heavy Cross : Moon Frost

August 5, 2011 at 9:04 pm
Awesome EP. I actually might be on a split with these guys (I’m definitely doing a split w/ Rey from Vessel I, apparently these guys might be on it too).