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Black Moon…

Yeah, sometimes I have a fucked up state of mind, because I live in this fucked up society, where the truth is a lie & a lie is truth. How the fuck can this be an honest country when they still celebrate Columbus Day – that dude was the first mass murderer of the Americas. That’s why I dig bands like North Carolina’s VIOLENT ENDS. These dudes tell it how it really is, which is music to my fucked up ears! On their new EP, Black Moon, they create mountains of metallic hate for us all to climb. These dudes are wizards at conjuring up wicked dark hardcore that will make your blood boil. VIOLENT ENDS’ songs are thick & fucking heavy, which is good because I like to get bashed in the head with solid bass lines of disorder. Their singer seems like he has totally lost all control of reality, which is rad in my book – it reminds me of those crazy hardcore kids from the 80’s that I grew up with! This band is not trying to be your friend or make music that is going to make you feel good about living your status quo existence. This music is a product of all the broken promises that this generation has been fed. As songwriters, these humans build of layer after layer of angst – the drums punch you in the gut every chance they get. You will find yourself going damn, this band has a gnarly rhythm & aggro stance that they take with the music they create. The riffs on this EP are haunted with the stench of murder all over them, which is not a bad thing from the way I look at it! What does this EP Black Moon mean to me? It’s four songs that KILL SHIT! Let it be known, I want to see VIOLENT ENDS live, I’m sure their shows are rad.

[audio:|titles=VIOLENT ENDS – Eyeless]

[audio:|titles=VIOLENT ENDS – Haunted]
1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. cinereous

    August 16, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    You had me until ‘hardcore’

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