Occupying the woods of Oklahoma, Anthony Roberts fuses some nightmarish, eclectic, and dreamscape images sending the human psyche on overload. Not one to truly settle on one inspirational source, yet still retaining a traditional style. Appearing out of the aether, and influence by esoterics, psychoactive afflictions, the dark ages, paradoxical visions, and other obscure doses. Some of it downright looking as if it fell out of his pen during an opium overdose. Various finished pieces are made for special concerts, such as the live ritual in Bergen or Koln. He has done copious amounts of work with the clochard Urfaust! I have methodically selected my favorites with all hapen to be devoid of color. What is lost in intimate detail is made for in mysterious renditions from seemingly another planet. This is right up Cvlt Nations alley, and I’m sure will be devoured by many. There are some different styles in here http://www.blackmindseye.org/
Gallery after the jump!

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