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Beneath the Mask…
Review + More

From a city that I once called home, and a place were grey skies are the new happiness, comes Bell Witch, a doom band that will fill your inner being with slow moving radness. This Seattle band’s new demo is full of epic tunes that unfold into majestic soundscapes. From the very first song, “Beneath the Mask,” I knew that this duo were creating music that any heavy music fan must hear. What grabbed my attention about this tune was the killer way they used voice samples over a sparse track of somber melody. When I hear their song “I wait,” huge ancient trees start to grow in my imagination, because this band’s sound is rooted in the magic of the earth. Also, just like the wooden giants of the wilderness, their music takes time to grow around you, but you will realize early on that Bell Witch can take your mind to the highest planes of existence. Not only will you hear the elements of the earth but this band will make you feel the vibration of mother nature, all you have to do is allow their bass lines seep into your veins and they will have you under their spell. Vocally, this band will seduce you with their almost choral delivery, and as you listen the clouds will be your guide into another realm of reality. Bell Witch really gets me stoked by the way they infuse slow melody into all of their compositions, but you never feel like the the music is bringing you down. Actually, when I hear songs like “Mayknow,” a sensation of upliftment overtakes my whole being. Bell Witch are super rad in the way they create music that is truly soul food. After a while of listening to them, I get hunger pangs for a huge pull from my bong! Like the herb, Bell Witch’s sonic creative spirit has healing and meditative properties. So check this out – if you are reading this from the West Coast states, you are in luck, because Bell Witch will be on tour for the month of November. After the jump, check out their tour dates plus the demo download link!
[audio:|titles=Bell Witch – Beneath The Mask (Intro)]

Download Demo HERE!!!

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