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Blackened Crust

Basement Tape…LOCKSTEP Review

The war is on & those corrupt capitalistic warmongers better watch out because we have had enough. Lockstep from Oaktown is down for the get down, these metallic crust warriors’ 2010 Basement Tape release is so fucking epic. Every tune on this release is a death blow to the so-called heads of government. If riffs were weapons this band would have a full arsenal, I’m just saying, the guitar work on Basement Tape is rad to the core. Vocally, the singer brings the plight of the downtrodden home, & lays outs their torment with his lyrics and his earnest delivery. Check out songs like “Torches upon the Leech” & you will hear the thick wall of caustic feedback mixed with slow-moving distortion, which together build this epic groove that in my book is as catchy as the plague. Lockstep’s music pounds you with off the Richter scale drumming that provides a great foundation for their call to arms. Yeah, this band’s music is full of controlled anger directed at those who deserve it, but it’s their use of caustic melodic vibes that really draws you in. If you are a fan of unhinged D-beat, Crust, Murder Sludge & Doom you must check out Lockstep – you can purchase their tape HERE. Also stay tuned to CVLT Nation for tour details & other awesome news about this sick band. Something must be in the water in Oaktown because they have been turning out sick bands since I was in the street up there in 84. Whatever the case, get in step with Lockstep, nuff said!

[audio:|titles=lockstep – basement tape – Lockstep torches upon the leech] [audio:|titles=lockstep – basement tape – Lockstep solve et coagula]
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