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Barred for Life!
A Chronicle of the Black Flag Tattoo

It’s hard to exaggerate the importance of Black Flag to underground music. They pioneered a touring style that is standard for bands today, plus they basically invented hardcore, or at least set the standard for it. Their four bar logo has achieved almost Che-like status in pop culture iconography, but it manages to remain cool and underground at the same time – as Ebersole puts it: “look closely at those four rectangles and you will see a cute little waving black flag representing “ANARCHY;” the stateless state; a DIY politic. No Gods and No Masters, as they say!” I can’t tell you how many people I know or have met who have inked that logo somewhere on their body. With Barred For Life, Stewart Dean Ebersole has put together a photo documentary of how Black Flag has touched people’s lives – literally in the form of tattoos. Interspersed with photos of people he and photographer Jared Castaldi captured along their six years of travel in North America and abroad, Ebersole tells the story of being a punker of the 80’s in America, and how Black Flag figured in punk rock lore of the time. The result is rad to look at and a captivating read, and also includes in-depth interviews with Dez and Chuck. I would wager at least half of you reading this have a Black Flag tattoo on you somewhere, and you know you’re not alone! Check out some of the rad portraits below, and head over to the Barred For Life facebook page here and get your own copy here!



13.Claire Bastarache

33.Mark Pesci

58.Alex Submachine

62.David Wuttke

70.Darius Hart

88.Norman Truman

97.Mallory Harwardt

120.Su Spellman

127.Phillip AcalaB

129.London May

137.Jeffrey Hopson.BK

143.John Guerra

148.James Owens

167.Michael Sacrimpante

204.Jeff Janiak

214.Jean-Luc Navette

219.Mayo Maggiore.Inset1

225.Paolo Martinelli

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