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Sean Reveron was born & raised in Venice Beach, CA. He terrorized the streets of the West Side as a young Suicidal Boy, and was a part of the early Hardcore movement. Sean has always been passionate about the music and the DIY fashion of the crust and metal world, and that passion led him and his wife Meghan to create the world of CVLT Nation and the CVLT clothing brand.

Apocalyptic Blues

OK I admit that I am totally fucking addicted to doom & raw black metal, so when music combines both, I get my fix....

80s Hardcore

Who fucking turned on the jack hammer? It must be me…I’m listening to Curmudgeon, and this killer Boston hardcore punk band pounds the chaotic...

Black Metal

Dirty, raw, lo-fi, powerful, & political only scratch the surface of what this band is all about. Political Terror are a super sick black...

Apocalyptic Blues

Destroy Judas‘ new album Wake is far beyond epic, it’s in own atmosphere of radness. If I had to call their music anything it...

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