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Pangea Vs. Old Wounds

Pangea interviews Old Wounds
Photos by Linda Suh

What is new in the world of Old Wounds? Releases? Big shows?

Our friends at RDG just put out Terror Eyes on a 7″ which ruled and they came out sick. As for shows, we have a hometown show right before christmas, and then right after the new year we’re doing a 6-7 day tour of the mid-Atlantic. I think that’s all we have for now?

If you could play a show with any bands past or present who would you like to gig with?

Black Sabbath, Rage Against the Machine, Deftones, and Converge. Fuck that would be an awesome show, even if we didn’t play hahahaha.

I saw that OW just released a music video, how’d that go?

It ruled, we went to our friend Max Moore with a concept and told him to do his thing. That’s how it came out, and I honestly couldn’t be any more stoked on it.

So you guys are from Jersey, any good venues out there?

Around us, not really, but we recently played a spot in Atlantic City called the Boneyard and we all had a great time there. The people who worked there ruled and the dude who booked the show ruled. Good vibes all around.

What up and coming bands have you been jammin’ lately?

Anti-Venom from the Marlborough Mass area is awesome, and there is a band from our area called Altered Boys that just put out one of the gnarliest demos I’ve heard in a while.

N64 or Sega?

Neither. Playstation for the win. Syphon Filter and Tony Hawk Pro Skater for PS was my jam. cmonnnnnnnnn

What do YOU guys plan to do before the world ends in 2012?

We’re planning on doing a full US or something close to it over the summer/fall, put out a full length, probably put out a split with this weird band from NH.

In your opinion what is the best horror movie?

28 Days Later, Nightmare on Elm Street pt. 3, Friday the 13th pt. 2, and Dawn of the Dead (Remake)

For those people out there who don’t know, where can everyone hear your music and maybe pick up a shirt or cd?

You can listen to everything we’ve put out here:

and you can pick up our merch here:

Final thoughts or comments? Anyone/Anything you think people should check out?

Thanks CVLT Nation & Pangea for doing this interview. Shout outs to Ride the Fury, RDG Records, anyone who’s bought the new record, and came out to a show. Oh and do yourself a favor and give Evil Empire a spin. It’ll make your day 100x better.

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