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Artist to Artist Interviews
It’s Casual Vs. Fatso Jetson

Eddie from It’s Casual Interviews Fatso Jetson

Larry, everyone knows you’re a maniac when it comes to cooking…what are your favorite dishes to prepare within Mexican and Italian cuisine?

Larry: For Italian …Braciole is a fave, pizzas, aglio di olio; for Mexican, I love Carnitas, Ceviche, Pozole, Albondigas….the soups are the best

Tony, you’re from the desert – have you skated the nude bowl?

Tony: Oddly enough, A friend of mine and I hiked up to the bowl today to check it out!
Yes, I grew up skating that pool, it was soooooooo Goddamn good!!!! The first time I went up there was in the early/mid eighties, there was still a roof on the building back then. That place was pretty magical, when they bulldozed it it was like losing a good friend. It was sad seeing it all filled in and fucked up today…

Nude Bowl, Desert Hot Springs, California

Mario, how is Fatso Jetson writing material these days!? Who’s doing most of the writing?

I have been riffing a lot with my boy Dino, he has a lot of excitement for the guitar…still kinda new dicovering stuff, its inspiring. The band writes best all together in the jam room.

I hear surf elements in Fatso Jetson. You into that stuff? If so, which bands?

Mario: My first record LP was the Ventures “Where the Action is.” First lick I fumbled with on guitar was “Walk don’t run” and “pipe line”….I love instrumental guitar greats like Dick Dale, Davie Allen & the Arrows, The Ventures, Link Ray…more recent bands I love are Pell Mell, The Mermen, The Ray Beats, Lawndale, Dead Bolt…East Bay Ray from the Dead Kennedys was a big influence…it’s like my folk music.

How long ago did the last record come out?

Mario: 2010..aptly titled “Archaic Volumes.” A new record is long overdue for this band.

How far along are you with the new one?

Mario: Not far enough

What is your favorite Black Flag lineup?

Mario: Kieth, Chuck, Greg, Robo or Dez…Dez is a bro.
Larry: Chuck D, Ginn, Chuck B, Dez, Henry R.
Tony: Ginn, Chuck, Dez, Biscuit’s, Dezo!

Tell us about your upcoming European trip and how your fan base is over there? What’s the vibe?

Mario: We will be playing the Desert Fest in Berlin and London in April…it’s crazy that there is a genre of music called Desert Rock…very cool, but wierd. The Desert Fest is a eclectic mix of hard rock and more jammy-vibed bands…it will be interesting. The music scene we travel in there is great – very great people, the bands are cool…people are very stoked….good spirit.

Tony: The fans over there are great! Seems a lot more open-minded than your average American audience.

Mario, your son Dino is in Fatso Jetson…can we expect him to be handling any vocals and frontman duties?

Mario: He is steppin’ up to the mic a bit with some backing vox….I’m pushing him to do more….we’ll see, maybe he will sing a tune and I can just play my guitar!

When was the last time Fatso Jetson played the Troubadour?

Mario: I think we played with Brant Bjork and Fu Manchu…or maybe with the Queens of the Stone Age…Tony do you remember???

Tony: Yeah, I think the last time we played there was with Brant… We played the Troub a lot back in the late ’90s early 2000s. I really like that place.

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