What can people expect from the change in vocalists? Will this be a significant change to the beautiful trainwreck of sound that is Triac?
We really enjoyed Noel’s time with the band and his vocal style fit in great with what we do, but with Kevin and I now sharing vocal duties things are getting more interesting. Our styles are very different from each other and it’s working very nicely. Sometimes Kevin’s voice reminds me of Noel’s more batshit moments and my vocals are more of a meaner holler. Over all things seem to have just gotten meaner since Noel was the nicest dude in the band, haha. It’s all fitting together nicely and will add even more wreckage to the trainwreck.
Will the upcoming split with D.O.C. be the noisiest record of all time, or the noisiest record of all time? What can you tell us about it?
“Yeah, you know it’s hot too”. I don’t know about “noisiest record of all time”, but it’s definitely going to be a filthy mess of distortion and noise…as usual. We love the dudes in D.O.C. and we know they will bring their best. We’ll be doing the same and now we are both three piece bands. A battle will ensue soon. Our half of the spit will be the first recordings with Kevin and I on vocals, so we’re stoked. Musically it’s more of what’s you would expect from us. It’ll be a 12in. on RSR Records. It’s all recorded except for our vocals, which will be done in a week.
You’re on your way to a competitive dodge ball tournament; what bands are you cranking in the car to get pumped up?
There are only three cassette tapes in the van; Ramones, Smiths and Sonic Youth – “Goo”. Those three tapes get listened too any time we’re headed to/from a show and there is much singing along going on, so those will be a part of the pump up. With the iPod connected there’ll have to be some Unsane. Always need Unsane when projectiles are involved.
Kevin introduced us to the delicious trick of dousing avocados in hot sauce; how does the rest of Triac feel about this meal?
Anyone that knows the band knows that Triac likes to eat. Food is never safe when sat anywhere within our vicinity. Set up and show and provide food and that food is getting eaten…maybe even some of the food that you don’t want us to eat will get eaten. Avocodos doused in hot sauce is fine, but we really require more food than that. Much more. Chipotle is our usual spot.
What bands are you most excited to see in January?
You know, I’ve only seen your band Eddie Brock once, so you guys for sure. We have played with Eyehategod a number of times, but we all always look forward to playing with them. Pulling Teeth as well… Weekend Nacho’s. Dom has a few months to figure out how to get CRYPTIC SLAUGTER to re-unite and play the show.

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