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Angel of Death…Brian Mercer

Looking through Brian Mercer‘s collection of tour and gig posters is like taking a long journey through a Victorian graveyard on acid. Statues of angels loom over you, starkly contrasted, ominous guardians of the underworld. Ancient bones and skulls spill out of the earth from their decrepit resting places, and rise up, drawing themselves together to recreate their lost bodies. All the while, colors swirl through the air above your head in rhythmic patterns, pulsing and waving through the fetid air and into your open brain. Mercer creates these mystical scenes for gigs, festivals and tours around the country, and has worked with bands like Eyehategod, Buzzov-en, High on Fire, Weedeater, Lamb of God, Zoroaster and many more. His posters are true collectibles, and although I wasn’t able to make it to the shows in Philly, I will be adding a few of these to my collection for sure. After the jump, enter the gates and tour through Brian Mercer’s secret graveyard…

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