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Abstract and Surreal: The Art Of Dave McKean

Dave McKean is one of my favourite artist and source of inspirations, this multi-talented English artist works with various mediums such as illustration, photography, graphic design and also filmmaking. He is also a jazz pianist, and a comic artist who has worked with DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics. His work incorporates drawing, painting, photography, collage, digital art and sculpture, creating somekind of abstract and surreal imagery. He has created some of my favourite album artworks from various solo artists/bands such as: Tori Amos, Buckethead, Alice Cooper, Fear Factory, Testament, Kreator, Front Line Assembly, My Dying Bride, Project Pitchfork and Skinny Puppy just to name a few. I really love the way he use ‘delicious’ texturings, unique placement of typography and (sometimes with the use of) vibrant colors, I’m not ashamed to admit that he absolutely plays a big role in developing my artistic sense. After the jump, check out some rad cover artworks by Dave McKean!

Check out more of his works on his fansite.



  1. paul mccarroll

    August 20, 2011 at 12:30 am

    hugely influential+ possibly the most ripped off artist of the last 20 years?

    been a huge fan since Batman – Arkam Asylum

  2. Fear Less Blablah

    August 18, 2011 at 9:13 am

    Amazing artwork. This man is unbelievable!

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