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Michael Aerts is a Belgian artist who makes  minimalist sculpture that ask answerless questions and walk with you in your dreams. All of his sculpture’s evoke death and embrace the feeling of timeless dread, though from the perspective of realization. It is fear revealed and therefore resigned. Fear becomes tangible and accessible and your ally. One aspect of these sculptures that I find fascinating is the conveyance of isolation and confusion. Many artist try to accomplish this and fail grandly, largely because the location in which the medium is presented must not detract from the medium itself, and showing all of these pieces in an open space allows for crushing vastness and titanic silence. Personally the piece entitled BADMAN is my favorite. In it’s crass simplicity it stands as an image of the crucifixion with batwings, evocative of something mysterious and intrinsically terrifying or evil. In addition to sculpting Michael Aerts is also a skilled painter, and i strongly advocate checking out his work but first Stroll through the hall of looming structures after the fall.


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