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A.C.A.B. = All Cops Are Bastards
ATHENS Street Art
Photo Essay

All photos by Alexander Zaitchik

I have been lucky enough to travel around the world in my life, and one thing that has stuck out in my mind is the way that different people use their city’s walls as a way to express themselves with street art/graffiti. Something that took shape on the streets of New York decades ago has now spread across the world, and means so many different things to many different humans. When you walk the streets of Berlin it’s everywhere, and when you skateboard the hills of San Francisco you see street art as a part of the landscape of the city. What’s a trip is the way that this medium of creativity has crossed gender, class, race and political lines to include a wide array of weirdos. By looking at the graffitti of a city, you can catch a vibe of what’s going on – case in point, we all know that all is not good in Greece right now. This is evident on the walls of the Athenian neighborhood of Exarchia, where the art speaks to what the anarchists are going through under an oppressive and unresponsive government. Check out this eye-opening street art photo essay transmitting from the concrete of Athens!

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