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Y entonces, Dios murió…Gromyko Semper

And then, God died…but God is anything but dead in the ink drawings of Gromyko Semper, and the gods that inhabit Semper’s works are complex and challenging in their presentation. He draws us into a world of seemingly opposite concepts, juxtaposing sex and religion in a way that celebrates both and neither at the same time. Jesus and Gaia in a furtive embrace lay next to Satan, blowing his horn in triumphant glory. There is an aspect of gore in his drawings, but it is restrained, hinted at, a decoration rather than the centerpiece. His style of ink drawing transports the viewer centuries back in time, a scribe detailing the vivid imagery that illuminates his wisdom. Semper asks the viewer to delve into his intellect, searching its’ depths for the myriad of ideas and meanings that dwell in the ink lines of his stories. These stories are compiled in his book, Sacrae Particulae ex Nihilo, a collection of his ink drawings, available here. After the jump, enter the kingdom of fear, love and lust with Gromyko Semper…

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