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Black Metal

CVLT Nation Streaming
Withdrawal // YAITW 7″ Split

What happens when two feral sonic wolves end up making a split 7″ together? The final result is 15 minutes of audio rage that can’t be fucking held back and might just rip your eardrums out. Withdrawal and Young And In The Way have united to create a record, and when you hear it, unholy energy will overtake your being. Our comrades A389 Recordings will be releasing this toxic piece of vinyl on the world any day now, and you can pre-order HERE in the meantime. CVLT Nation is ultra stoked to be streaming Withdrawal and Young And In The Way’s split in full below!

[audio: Human Garbage Existence Disease.mp3, Of Soul And Sacrifice_Guardian Angel.mp3|titles=Human Garbage Existence Disease,Of Soul And Sacrifice – Guardian Angel]

Young And In The Way:
[audio: And In The Way Vaticide.mp3, And In The WayPsychopathy.mp3|titles=Vaticide,Psychopathy]



  1. Ilhan Blanco

    March 23, 2013 at 8:26 am


  2. Andrew Hall

    March 22, 2013 at 11:12 am

    I love this with all of my being.

  3. Coneti Confeti

    March 22, 2013 at 3:55 am

    La polla con cebolla!!

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