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Where Earth and Flesh Collide… Sinister Emanation Art

When we die, our soft flesh falls away to reveal the pitted and porous surface of our bones. The skulls drawn by Sinister Emanation Art are as lined and textured as human skin, and are juxtaposed with crystalline geometrical forms, as if bringing us back into the earth’s cellular structure. His work is asymmetrical in a harmonious way, as if the bone and crystal have grown into one entity. His lines are clean where they need to be, with an excellent use of negative space, but he balances the space with heavy detailing and texture. Many of his pieces are almost sigil-like, using familiar elements to create unique formations, as if telling a story like an occult coat of arms. He has done t-shirt graphics for bands such as Gorephilia, Wacht, Anatomia and Hatesworn, and he has a good understanding of what makes a good t-shirt print, which is not as common as you would think among illustrators. Check out some of our favorite pieces from Sinister Emanation, and you can follow his Instagram here.

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