Many years ago, one of my best friends moved to Ghana. She told me she was never moving back, and after she began to send me amazing pictures of the voodoo markets, I understood why. West African voodoo markets put most North American taxidermy appreciators to shame, at least when it comes to appreciating dried animal parts. In North America we like our taxidermy clean and sanitized, but in Ghana and the surrounding countries they pile dried heads high in the dusty sun, emitting the perfume of death in the sweltering heat. It’s where you go to get all you need for your voodoo ceremonies – again, another thing the Europeans anothropologized to death. Voodoo is at its most ancient and pure in Africa, and while animal sacrifice and strange dance ceremonies are definitely a part of it, it is far from the picture of evil that it has been characterized to be through prejudice and misunderstanding. Italian photographer Anthony Pappone traveled in West Africa photographing voodoo ceremonies, and the result is a stunning collection of images that convey both the power of voodoo and the love and joy in its followers. Below read what he has to say about this photos essay, and check out an amazing gallery of his work after the jump!
the europeans or americans believe that voodoo is ‘black magic’ that is evil but it is false,
the voodoo religion is based on respect and peace.
the fundamental bases of the voodoo religion are:
voodoo priests.
the fetishes that contain the power of the spirits.
dance music.
dances with masks.
ceremonial dances.
Animal sacrifices to give thanks to the spirits.
objects magical.
the veneration of ancestors.

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