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Weekend Nachos
Still Review + Sick Full Set

Still, Weekend Nacho‘s 4th full length album, displays the band’s signature animosity with a handful of new tricks, but the same rough and tumble approach we’ve come to love (yes, you all love it). The band’s had an interesting trajectory – from humble fastcore/PV roots that evolved into a heavier, slower sound with 2009’s Unforgivable (still one of my favorite records) – to a more hardcore influenced sound with more breakdown and mosh tendencies (Worthless and now Still). Still encapsulates this growth perfectly; the gang choruses (“No Idols and No Heroes” and  “S.C.A.B”), slowmo stomps, spit verses that’d get a young Jamey Jasta excited, and plenty of power chord progressions to get you circling in the pit.


“Still” cassettes are up for pre-order too!
Still is a brief effort, clocking in a little  over 21 minutes, it’s usually over before I notice it. Songs blend together in a good way, the way a live show’s supposed to go. Little highlights, whether they be the aforementioned gang choruses, odd little effects, or even pianos (!) accentuate the steady pulse of 90’s influenced hardcore (“No Idols and No Heroes” is a real piece of nostalgia, especially with the shouted verse of “no heroes!”).

Since I was so enamored by Unforgivable, I’ve had a tough time appreciating Weekend Nachos releases for what they were. I would judge and compare releases and shoot them down simply because they couldn’t match the intensity, atmosphere and sheer vitriol behind Unforgivable. That being said, Still holds its own and is a highly enjoyable and energetic slab of metallic hardcore that loves to slow down and get dirty. The production favors the guitars with sheets of crashing metal and the vocals dominate in a strained crackle. The drums seem only apt to blast in the later tracks, which is again, another part of their departure from power violence.

It’s nothing that’s going to change the world, yet it’s not a turd. Still is an honest and frenzied piece of music that can entice metal stalwarts and spin-kicking kids alike. Snag it over at Relapse and be sure to support these dudes live – they’re one of the most fun bands I’ve seen.

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