Career Suicide is the upcoming full length from grind as fuck outfit Wageslave. Available on vinyl only via mystery label Cult of Melancholia later this year, Wageslave have put two pre-production tracks up on their bandcamp page for your consumption.
Previously having released a self-titled EP back in 2010, the band have been a little quiet of late – but that’s all to change if these two tracks are anything to go by. Full of contempt, spite and pure vitriol, Career Suicide looks to be extremely and intensely relevant to the current state of the world. It’s terrifying in the outright ferocity found within the words spat forth by vocalist Justin Moore, punishing with decrees of venom and hate.
Pulsing with malevolence, Wageslave hammer their diatribe into minds with supreme blasts and technical guitar work. Riffs burrow into the skull, taking root along with the debates raging in the lyrical content, Moore screaming himself into oblivion. Take note, Wageslave will destroy. It is only a matter of time.
Career Suicide LP artwork by THM
The track above, along with “A Tale Of Privatized Healthcare” will see a tape release in mid-April as a split with Organ Grindr.
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