VOM FETISCH DER UNBEIRRTHEIT (VFDU) is… well, I’m not sure what exactly this band is. Their new album, titled Vertilger, is released by the Swedish Temple Of Torturous, a label that has quite a knack for finding and releasing more remote bands of the Black Metal underground. But even in terms of ToT (which released for example the last, highly experimental Total Negation record) VFDU is beyond everything you would expect, know and think of. It would be easy to declassify Vertilger just as weird, and honestly I think it is. But this record is SO weird, uncompromising and obscure it has a certain fascination to it I really can’t deny.
The two guys of VFDU are coming from a Black Metal background (their first album Psychohygiene from 2010 proves this more obvious) and traces of Black Metal can be found on Vertilger, too, expecially riff-wise. Just don’t expect anything melodic here, the riffs are of the most arcane kind, if discernible at all. Now and then there are also blast-beats to be heard. And there are loads of stoic, almost danceable beats on Vertilger, not unlike EBM. Supported by sickening guitar noises, the hysteric and disgusting vocals and the incredible hectic, manic songwriting VFDU create an horrible and nightmare’ish theme that won’t stop punishing you for over one hour. That is, if you’re able to endure this sonic torture for so long. Wanna try?
Vertilger is madness set to music. Provided that this is classifiable as music. In a lot of ways this album rather appears to be a piece of modern art, you know, like a rotting carcass of a horse being placed in a museum. Say what you want, but the thoroughgoingness of VFDU is nothing but impressing.
The usual categories like “good record” or “bad record” just don’t work here. Vertilger is so much beyond everything most people would voluntary listen to, so beyond anything usually associated with music or even Black Metal, there’s just no sense in recommending or unselling it. I’m pretty sure there are sick fucks out there, who are craving for stuff like this. If you can imagine that a Frankenstein monster consisting of harsh noise, obscure Black Metal à la Diapsiquir, EBM and some weird, German amputee porn is something you might enjoy listening to, give VOM FETISCH DER UNBEIRRTHEIT a chance. I have warned you.

Lugh Gnosis Kardias
October 16, 2013 at 12:24 pm
The review over at Heathen Harvest is WAY better, and by the way, they are influenced by INDUSTRIAL, not EBM, big fucking difference. You apparently know shit about electronic music.