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Black Metal

The Majick of Metal
Part One: Theistic Satanism

I find metal propelled a passion in me, going beyond the run of the mill cathartic lyrics to be more compelling than regurgitated sixteen-year-old anger. So I am going to take a look at some of the occult schools of thought that inspire various factions of metal. Though I have been a student of the occult for over twenty five years, the thoughts, theologies and beliefs being discussed are not necessarily those of the editors or other writers of CVLT Nation. I am not preaching my personal beliefs, though I will ponder some of the pros and cons of each mystery school from merely an academic and anthropological look at these powers, which keeps the corpse paint coming.

Theistic Satanism is not Anton Lavey’s secular humanism dressed up for Halloween. It is the traditional form of devil worship. Though, even the term “devil worship” brings division amongst Theistic Satanists, since some see devil worshippers as occult trailer trash. The origins of organized western Satanism go back to the Our Lady of Endor coven that formed in Toledo, Ohio in 1947, but one of the most metal orders is the San Antonio, Texas-based Cathedral of the Black Goat, which did not just rise out of the darkness on it’s own. It came from the teachings of Father Terry Taylor of the Chicago-based Thee Orthodox Satanic Church of the Nitelium Rite, which flourished in the 70s as an alternative to Lavey’s Church of Satan. In 2001, Father Myrmydom, who founded the Cathedral of the Black Goat and penned the Devil’s Bible, began to carry on Taylor’s traditions, even visiting the site of Taylor’s Toledo church in 2008 to soak in the aura.



The San Antonio coven got its start with only seven members. This order often collaborated with other groups to hold larger rites; some say it hit its peak with their working held on February 23rd of 2007, followed the next night with a black metal show that Archgoat played. Cathedral of the Black Goat have since gone on to hold similar rituals that precede a festival of the same name. Bands that have played this ritualistic gathering posing as a metal fest include Amputator, Goatpenis, Nuclear Majick, Bestial Raids, Hellvetron, Black Witchery, Nexul, Loss, Manticore, Void Meditation Cult, Teratism, Nocturnal Fear and Deipahgo.



Before they began holding metal fest rituals, the order had already split into two groups. The black metal entangled order one, run by Myrmydom, focused more on offline activities; and another, headed by their Webmaster Diane Vera, wanted a more open online community not bound to any initiatory elements. Vera’s group went on to be known as the Black Goat Cabal, and as with many orders, the split resulted in mudslinging. When not bickering on the Internet, their belief system focuses on an inverse form of Christianity; however, they dislike “Satanists” who are symbolic, such as Lavey’s followers, and view them with as much disdain as they have for Christians. Myrmydom also believes in a dual god, a Jehovah god and then his infernal counterpart, who serve as a ying and yang to one another until the day the evil twins overthrow the god. They are open to anyone who believes in a literal deity of evil, even if it is one of the other representations, such as Set, Kali, Lilith, and I suppose even Cthulhu would qualify, given those parameters.



One of the arguments against Theistic Satanism is that, when put in the context of it being just an inverse version of Christianity, you are just following another god to be dependent on. However, it should be noted that the more liberating side of the coin to it is not having to adhere to a strict moral code. Also, if you are gearing up for a big war with a creator god who created the fallen angel, you are taking sides; but the odds don’t seem in your favor if adhering to John Milton’s mythos. But every one loves an underdog.

Until next time, when I take a look at Poly-Theistic Satanism…

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Further Reading

The Devil’s Bible by Myrmydon Pontifex Maximus

The Bible of the Adversary by Michael Ford

Satanism: A Beginners Guide to the Religious Worship of Satan and Demons By Brother Nero

Tentatio Diabolus by Myrmydon Pontifex Maximus




  1. Raul A.

    April 19, 2015 at 9:04 am

    “Anton Lavey’s secular humanism dressed up for Halloween.” Hmm.. either the author never read any of LaVey’s work (it’s vehemently anti-secular humanism) or he doesn’t know what secular humanism means.

    “One of the arguments against Theistic Satanism is … you are just following another god to be dependent on”. Not just that, but if you actually believe in certain gods, by name, who have communicable conscious, the whole theological/cosmological logic starts to fall apart. It doesn’t hold to scrutiny. There’s a reason why other LHP orders do not consider themselves “Satanic”, because in order to hold up their paradigms they have to leave Hebrew term for Satan altogether. They only Theists that hold on to that word are those that have an emotional interest in keeping the association.

  2. Sébastien Martel

    April 17, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    I think a huge part of the theistic satanism movement in black metal is missing here. What about Sweden?

    • O Diletante Hedonista

      April 20, 2015 at 3:27 am

      I was thinking exactly the same. What about the Anti-Cosmic school and all that stuff? They’re much more coherent and interesting than Myrmydon Pontifex Maximus (seriously, how can you take someone with this name seriously?…)

  3. Alex Grey

    April 17, 2015 at 6:25 pm

    haha, pretty banal stuff. think for yourself.

  4. Steve Walsh

    April 17, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    So, we’re not exactly talking about a mass movement here are we?

  5. Rik Garrett

    April 17, 2015 at 12:30 pm

    Myrmydon (sp?) keeps perpetuating this myth that Terry Taylor was a theistic Satanist, and he is somehow following in his lineage. This just isn’t the case.

  6. oc

    April 17, 2015 at 11:56 am

    Terry Taylor in Chicago was absolutely not a Theistic Satanist.

  7. Man's Ruin

    April 17, 2015 at 11:00 am

    So fucking funny. Do you really think the Lightbringer wants followers who dress up in silly costumes and prance around while wearing mascara and white pancake makeup, and smell as if they’ve bathed in asscheese for the past three years? Here’s a clue: if you made a deal with Satan and all you got in return was your shitty little life you should ask for your money back, sucker. The people in power — Congress, the President, the CEOs of Citibank, Monsanto, Lockheed Martin, Halliburton, etc, etc, are so much more true worshippers of the Fallen One than these ineffectual little pussies could ever dream of being. This “evil” is weak Disney sauce.

  8. Asikhs Bhasthos

    April 17, 2015 at 10:43 am


  9. El_Runko

    April 17, 2015 at 9:21 am


  10. Richard Shannon

    April 17, 2015 at 8:36 am

    Satan Sucks !

  11. Eduardo Coelho

    April 17, 2015 at 8:18 am

    Horns up for this!! mm/

  12. Slade Garrett Williams

    April 17, 2015 at 7:55 am

    This is cool

  13. Victoria Chakal

    April 17, 2015 at 5:47 am

    Nice! Keep ’em coming!

  14. Frederico Grimmann

    April 17, 2015 at 4:54 am

    Check this out Leonan Claro.

  15. Joseph Horowitz

    April 17, 2015 at 4:07 am

    Stephanie Koithan Patrick McIntyre

  16. Joseph Horowitz

    April 17, 2015 at 4:07 am

    Stephanie Koithan Patrick McIntyre.

  17. O Diletante Hedonista

    April 17, 2015 at 3:17 am

    Out of curiosity, I bought and read all of Myrmydon Pontifex Maximus’ books, since Theistic Satanism is something that fascinates me, even if more for its aesthetic value than anything else. First of all, I should point out that if you intend to give Latin titles to your books, you should at least get acquainted with a small thing in Latin language called grammar (more specifically, the genitive case). But anyway, formal features aside, the contents of the books per se, TCBG’s cosmology and doctrine, looked as they were written by a 16 year old who had just found out the Book of Genesis and the Revelation of St. John.

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