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The Devil’s Eyes… Addison Morarre Masks

I’ve lamented in the past about the lack of mask-wearing in modern Halloween costumes – the mask used to be a creepy staple for every costume. But there are some true artists who revere the scary mask, and AM Creations is just such a company. AM Creations specialize in slasher replicas, and have a mask for all of your favorite psychopath serial killer movie characters. Their work is stupendous – latex and silicone masks, hand painted details, and some even offer real human hair. These aren’t cheap Value Village stinkers, these are the real FXing deal. I’ve been following owner-operator Addison Morarre’s Instagram for a while and it gives me my daily jolt of fear and disgust. If you have the coin, you can seriously freak some people out this Halloween. But you don’t need to wait for Halloween (I think it’s too late now anyway) – why not just wear a Leatherface mask around the neighborhood, a Devil’s Rejects mask to work or a zombie mask to do your grocery shopping? Or you can just set it up on your mantlepiece in the place of honor these masks deserve. Check out some photos of AM Creations’ masks below, and more on his Facebook page

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Sculpted by Erich Lubatti (
Sculpted by Erich Lubatti (




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